Top 5 Excuses for Not Getting Chiropractic Care – And Why You’ve Been Lied To
You dream of a world-class life. Are your habits world-class?
Combining chiropractic care with rock-solid wellness habits will catapult your personal effectiveness into the stratosphere. Being free from pain, with a laser-sharp mind, tons of energy, and the ability to handle everything you face in a day with energy to spare is the best way to create the life you dream of. It is no secret that including chiropractic into your health and wellness lifestyle plan will provide you with many benefits. It will allow you to perform at your very best professionally and personally. It will allow you to do the things you love and excel. You will enjoy greater success in life.
These are not outrageous claims. I have witnessed what chiropractic can do first hand. I have seen it with my patients. I know that you will benefit from chiropractic.
High performers who have struggled with chronic pain after being hard on their body for years – becoming pain free and starting motorcycle racing.
Busy moms with old injuries that get their youth and energy back – now gardening again, dragon boating, and moving pianos across a room.
Dreamers who can do in 5 minutes what used to take an hour, and taking their business and careers to new heights.
These are the kinds of changes that happen here regularly.
However, to see these changes, you must believe and commit to the process, just like a diet or exercise regimen. Elevating your health and performance is not an easy thing to do and truthfully, it is easier to not do it than it is to follow through. However, nothing will change unless you do, and the clients I work with are proof that there’s more potential and excellence inside of you than you’ve been given credit for.
No matter your age, or what you’ve been through, there are tactics and strategies that can help you level-up your life and create the life of your dreams.
Years ago, I heard it said that an excuse is nothing more than taking the skin of a reason and stuffing it with a lie. I also heard it said that you can make positive changes in your life or you can make excuses, but you can’t make both. The person you are going to hurt with excuses is yourself.
I care about you and want to see you live a life of excellence. That is why I am sharing the top five reasons people often give for not starting care at my clinic, and why ultimately, they’re NOT TRUE.
Can’t Afford Chiropractic
One of the bigger objections that I get from people is they have the mistaken belief they can't afford chiropractic care. When it comes to money, you put it into the areas of your life that you value. People will say that they value their health but they're not willing to spend the money on it. They will not divert any money from other areas of their life to put towards their health. When they do that what they’re saying is, I don't value my health.
When we are young, we tend to sacrifice our health for our wealth. When we lose our health, we would be so happy to sacrifice our wealth to get our health back. When you decide you want to take charge of your health and make a change, you can afford it.
One of my jobs is to show you what you really want in life. That starts with a discussion. I want to know about your goals. I want to know what you want your life to look like. I want to know what you dream about, what you dream about achieving. The reality is that it's unbelievably difficult to achieve long term goals when you don't have your health.
My job is to help you be efficient with your resources and to use them in creative ways to get those compound returns that are so common in my clinic. The longevity cultures we model have simple habits that they apply consistently. These cultures don't have overpriced smoothies. They don't have elaborate vitamins. They don't have access to expensive health clubs. More importantly, they don't need all that to achieve a long, full life.
That's great news because these longevity cultures have proven that these habits work regardless of your genetics, and regardless of what your background is. You can take that to the bank as well, that you don't need expensive elaborate solutions. What you need is the right information along with a plan and someone to guide you and to keep you on track. Someone who will show you creative ways to achieve the same results. You get to stretch your money so much further and best of all, you will enjoy benefits that come from investing in your health. Your whole life just gets so much bigger and bigger and better.
Whenever you think you can't afford chiropractic, it's worth a conversation to see how you can move the pieces of your life around. Figure out how to get more out of what you're already doing. That's my job. Take heart, when you think you can't afford it, I'm very confident that you can. We need to find a creative way and that starts with a conversation with me.
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Bad Experience
Another reason I hear from people is that they had a bad experience with another chiropractor. I hear you, and that is frustrating. A bad experience is usually a result of a lack of communication or unmet expectations. It does happen. The doctor or health professional could be moving too fast without taking the time to answer your questions. They may not have set up proper timelines and expectations about how quickly you'll be getting better. Having a bad experience at one place doesn't mean everyone is untrustworthy or shady.
We’ve all had a bad experience with a mechanic or a contractor, but that doesn't mean that they're all bad. In order to mitigate that, my clinic is set it up as a boutique, not a production line. I want you to experience a relaxed atmosphere. This way we have time to go over your treatment plan. You can and should ask questions. We start the whole process with a custom-tailored plan built for you. You will know exactly where we're going and where we need to focus at every point along our journey.
If you've got pain, problems, old injuries, car accidents, or you just know that you feel older than you should, let's dare to believe that you can get better. Let's set up a time to talk about what's worked in the past, and what hasn't, what you enjoyed about the process or what you haven't, what works with you and what doesn't. This way we make sure that the custom-tailored plan is set up exactly for you. We will take into account all the subtle nuances that make you who you are. That way you have a plan that works for you. Best of all, you will get results.
I see Another Health Professional
That's great and I'm glad that you have that. Taking any step towards better health is always a good decision, but that's like saying, I've got everything covered for my house. I've got a great electrician, so I don't need a plumber. After all, they both work on houses, right?
Do you have all your bases covered? Are you leaving yourself open to a lot of problems? Chiropractors are specialists in the joints in your spine and your nervous system health. We are not nutritionists, physiotherapists, or massage therapists. These health professionals are not experts in nervous system health.
A chiropractor’s primary focus is the bones and joints of your spine. The reason we focus on your spine is because it surrounds and protects your nervous system, which is your brain, spinal cord, and nerves that come out between the bones. Your nervous system is the most important system in your body because it controls every function in your body. For your heart to beat, your lungs to take in oxygen, or a simple cut on your foot to heal, your brain has to be able to send messages from your brain, down your spinal cord, and along your nerves to every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. When the messages get to the organs as intended, those parts of your body will work and heal as they should. If there’s any interference, that’s where things start to go wrong and issues start to show up.
For your spine, it works like the parts of your car. Every part has to be in a certain position and alignment so they can do the jobs required of them. When everything is in the right position, the machine (your body) works well, and the parts last for a long time. However, if any parts are in the wrong position, there’s stress and pressure, and that’s when the machine doesn’t work so well, and the parts start to wear out. Any joints that are not moving properly begin to degenerate, so regardless of how good you feel, if those joints aren't moving properly, you're going to have degeneration. You're going to have long term problems. You're going to have arthritis creeping in. I am the perfect person to see to mitigate that and make sure that your body stays healthy. Also, consider that you may have old injuries from car accidents, workplace accidents, or old sports injuries lingering. You need someone on your team to care for your joints, their supporting muscles and your nervous system.
It's great that you've got a massage therapist or a physiotherapist or a reflexologist or whatever, but why leave yourself open to living and accepting less than the best that your body's capable of? Let's talk about it. I can show you how best to integrate everything you're already doing to get the best results. As a chiropractor, I took all the same courses in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and immunology as medical doctors. I can help you sort out what you're already doing that is working into a more complete plan. That way no bases are left uncovered. You're also being the most efficient with your time, energy, money. Best of all you get to see the best results due to the synergy that comes from multiple disciplines.
Don't be overly confident and set yourself up for a big mistake. Come in and let's talk about it and we'll be able to put together a great plan for you and make sure that you have all your bases covered.
It’s Not That Bad
Ever catch yourself saying, "Yeah, I have some pain, but it's really not that bad?”
The truth is every big pain starts out as a little pain. It was likely growing for years before it became the problem you know about today. I find people are often afraid to find out that their little pain is actually much bigger than they thought. That's why my approach works so well. Instead of avoiding the problem, you get to tackle it head on, conquer it, and then move on to all the other parts of your life you’re more concerned or interested with.
I have combined chiropractic treatment with simple but effective lifestyle changes. Every client that comes into my clinic gets a 100% custom-tailored plan built just for them. It encompasses their goals, problems, lifestyle, demands, and current situation to give them the tools they need to make these lifestyle changes a permanent part of their life. Plus, it’s all designed to maximize the effectiveness of your time, energy, and money so you become an unstoppable force who can access their true potential in every area of their life. This custom-tailored plan works together to help you get better, faster. By taking care of the root of the problem, you are equipped to deal with it in the future. That little pain causes so much distraction in your life. By removing that distraction and the limitations it may cause you to pour yourself 100 percent into the areas of your life that you care so much more about. Your life is meant to be excellent. You are meant to excel. You are meant to dominate the areas that are most important to you. Stop dealing with this pain and let's start fixing it once and for all.
Putting it all together
If you have found yourself making the same excuses I have outlined above, don’t beat yourself up. Almost everyone makes them. It is human nature.
Awareness is half the battle in eliminating self-imposed obstacles to our health. The next step is to act. Realize these seemingly valid reasons are nothing more than the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie. It is time to stop lying to yourself. Take charge of your health. Bring me onto your health and wellness team so you may take back control of your health and excel in all areas of your life that are important to you.
No more waiting or excuses. It’s time to move boldly and elevate your life and performance.
Take advantage of our free health assessment. You can download and fill out the health history form below. While you are at it, give our office a call at (204) 250-9698 to schedule your appointment.
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If youhave questions and have never been to our clinic before, we would like to introduce you to our clinic, our practice and how we are different.
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