What You Can Expect When You Visit Elevation Chiropractic
Let’s take a moment and walk you through your first visit to Elevation Chiropractic. What can you expect?
This clinic focuses on high-performers, helping them bring their “A-game” to every aspect of their lives as well as fully enjoy everything they work so hard for. As a high performer, your time is one of your most important resources. Firstly, I always want to be respectful of your time and make sure I bring you guidance and recommendations that is custom-tailored for you and your situation. For that reason, you’re given access to the health history form ahead of time. This way, you’re not rushed the day of your appointment and can make sure you put down everything that you feel is relevant to the challenges and goals you face. This way, we get all the “baseline data” out of the way and when we sit down for your appointment, we can dive right into the challenges you’re facing and how to get the results you’re looking for. Make sure to fill it out as completely as possible. You will also need to bring in your Manitoba Health card.
Once you arrive for the first time you will be given a quick tour of the clinic to get you acquainted with the office, so you know where everything is and you feel nice and comfortable.
Next, we’ll get a chance to talk, and this is where you’ll have plenty of time to elaborate on what you wrote on the form. I want to know all about the problems you are experiencing. I also want to know about the lifestyle you lead that created these challenges. I need to understand the lifestyle factors that are contributing to the problem. We're also going to dive into any other complicating factors. Anything that may hinder the process needs to be addressed specifically. On top of that, we’ll talk about the goals you have and what kind of results you want to see out of your time at the clinic. We’ll also talk about what’s worked in the past and what hasn’t, so that everything we do is custom-tailored to your unique situation. After a complete health history review, we will have a better idea about what we need to do exam-wise to gather all the necessary information.
Once we have all the information, we'll move onto a very comprehensive exam. Many of my patients have commented that it is one of the most detailed physical exams they’ve ever had. First, we’ll look at your posture and flexibility. You will also undergo range of motion tests, full orthopedic exam and neurological tests. If we need any advanced imaging, you’ll know about it at that point as well. The whole purpose of the exam is to gather all the information about how your body is doing right now, and what we need to do to bring you from where you are NOW, to the place you WANT to be. At that point, most people will be done for the day so I can pour over all the information and put together your very own custom-tailored health plan made just for you!
When you return for your next visit, we’ll go over the results of your exam, what’s wrong, but most of all, you’ll find out exactly how we’re going to tackle the problem AND the lifestyle factors that created it in the first place. We’ll go over your custom-tailored health solution and if that solution looks good to you, we’ll start implementing it immediately. That means understanding what you can expect from me, what your role is, as well as getting connected to all the guides, resources, cheat-sheets, and products to help you finally see victory over the issues you’re facing. The goal is to equip you with the knowledge you need to WIN, without overloading you. This way, you become less dependent on my as quickly as possible and know exactly what you can do to move forward on your own.
If you have been experiencing your issues for quite some time, they're not going to go away immediately. I won’t jump in assuming I know what's going on. In some cases, I may require x-rays so I can get a better look at what is happening with your spine and confirm my assessments.
For your best results, I need to invest time to put together a plan for you. Each plan is customized for the individual patient’s needs. I consider your desired results, the goals you have for your life, what's worked, what hasn't, and how you respond best to treatment.
We will go over your custom plan during your follow-up appointment. This is the time to ask more questions to make sure you fully understand the entire process. Once we go over everything, we can get started once you signed a consent form to begin treatments.
Once you receive your first treatment, you will receive instruction on what to do following your treatment. You'll also have access to our chiropractic community where patients can ask questions and receive answers. You’ll have access to all the resources that allow you to get better, much faster than usual.
In the past, one of the complaints people had about health care providers is that a lot of times the treatments are cookie cutter, or they don't have the opportunity to ask questions or receive a solution for the problems that they're facing. That is something that a custom-tailored plan overcomes for you.
I am passionate about making sure that you are equipped with the knowledge, tools and tactics that you need to create your best life. Does this sound like something that you want? Do you want to be able to perform at your highest level? Would you like to tap into the lifestyle secrets of the world's longest-lived people? Would you like the edge that the world’s highest performing people have? If so, I'd love the opportunity to work with you.
Get in touch with me and let's see what's possible. We have an amazing introductory offer available. Elevation Chiropractic is offering a complete initial exam, first adjustment, and custom- tailored health solution for just $39 (normally $115). Let us be your high-performance secret weapon.